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Recent feedback:
"Hello Les, My new bit came Monday in the mail. I tried it out on my horse and want to tell you what a phenomenal bit this is. My horse was awesome in this bit he had a better headset he turned better wasn't rooting in the bit. Plus he has a great stop in this bit. He really respects this bit and I am able to communicate with my horse way better in this bit. Everyone told me last night at cow practice how much better my horse and I performed. We will both just continue to get better and better using this bit. Thank you so much! Jacque D."
"Hello Les, Just wanted to let you know that I have been trail riding all last week up here in the mountains. My first chance to try your bit on the trail. This bit is clearly the best bit I have ever ridden in on a horse. My horse really loves this bit. I have so much more feel and communication with him. He just does awesome in this bit on the trail as well as the arena. I have roped on him now it works very well in roping too. So thankful that I have this bit. Thanks! Jacque D."
Thank you Jacque! I'm so glad you're happy with your purchase! - Les


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