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  • Level 2: Maneuvers
  • Cowhorse U Level 2: Maneuvers training schedule
  • DVDs, book, training schedule

Cowhorse U Level 2: Maneuvers


Product Description

Proven concepts, easy to understand!
The program emphasizes how to create perfect form for every maneuver at low levels, and then gives you tools that will allow you to increase the speed and power in ways that won't intimidate or frustrate the horse.  And the best part is, that Les is able to demonstrate and explain these concepts in a way that it easy to follow and understand. 

The Cowhorse U program delivers great results!
The first Cowhorse U program has received a tremendous reception from the riders that have used it.  They are seeing differences in their horses and their own riding that far exceeded their expectations, and the Maneuvers Level should certainly deliver the same results. 

The DVD's contain over 6 hours of video lessons, and the workbook has over 130 pages of theory, diagrams and photos to help illustrate and clarify the "how's,"  and the "why's" of Les's time proven training program.  

The program features:

  • More than 130-page lesson-by-lesson workbook
  • A step-by-step-training schedule
  • DVD topic outlines
  • Hours of actual riding demonstrations on four DVDs

Product Reviews

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  1. Money well spent 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 4th Feb 2023

    I purchased both Level 1 and Level 2 of the CowHorse U independent study programs. I honestly can’t say enough good things about them. This program is a game changer. Les is a man who pays a lot of attention to detail, and it’s those little details that make a big difference in how you are communicating with your horse. Les has a teaching style that is easy to understand, detail oriented, and the combination of book with DVD greatly reduces any potential for confusion. I have experienced major positive changes in my horse in a very short time.




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